Price overview

Santai-Massage for women

Santai-Massage for men
EUR 180 - 1.5 hours
EUR 230 - 2.0 hours
EUR 280 - 2.5 hours
EUR 330 - 3.0 hours

Each additional half hour 50 euros.

Santai women massage - break new ground
EUR 280 - 2.5 hours
EUR 330 - 3.0 hours

Each additional half hour: 50 euros.

Lomi Lomi for women
Lomi Lomi for men

EUR 120 - 1.5 hours
EUR 150 - 2.0 hours

The time indicated is devoted to pure massage. Please arrive on time for the appointment but not before the agreed time and plan an additional 30 minutes for preliminary discussion, shower and resting afterwards.

Please note that only cash payment for massages is possible. We do not accept credit or debit cards.

You do not need to bring anything extra for the massage. Towels, shower utensils, etc. are available.

To avoid misunderstandings, we want to point out once again that we do not offer sexual acts of any kind. We will treat each guest respectfully, keeping within his or her limits.

Price overview Bodywork/Sexual Counseling

Systemic Sex Coaching
EUR 240: introductory session of 3 hours
EUR 280: individual session of 3 hours
EUR 810: 3-pack (3 sessions of 3 hours each)
EUR 1.300: 5-pack (5 sessions of 3 hours each)

Touch Coaching for Couples
EUR 280 - 3,0 hours
EUR 810 - 3er 3-pack (3 sessions of 3 hours each)

Sexual Counceling (prices for individuals and couples)
EUR 100 - per hour
The duration of the session can be customized by arrangement.

These coaching sessions consist of pre-talk, bodywork and post-talk. Before the bodywork and after the post-talk there is the possibility to take a shower. Please schedule additional time for showering.

The payment of the bill for bodywork/sexual counseling is usually done in advance by invoice transfer. By arrangement, it is possible to pay the bill in cash on the day of the appointment.

You do need need to bring anything extra for the bodywork/counseling. Towels, shower utensils, etc. are available.